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As the most populous area of the island the southern part Bali is where most jobs are to be found, mostly in the hotel or tourist industry, aside from the major farming industry. Smaller scales of home businesses are also in the trend such as textile or garment, handicrafts and souvenirs, providing Bali’s economy with more than 200,000 jobs, and exports have been increasing around 6,7% (data August 2006 – August 2007) valued at around US$ 380 million. Of the total foreign exchange earners, textiles and garments contribute about 27,4% and wood products including statues, furniture and other handicrafts 18,2%. Silver work is ranked third 0,41% with 4,500 workers employed. And this sector keep growing steadily with target market widely open on the US, Europe and Japan.

bali economy

Rice has become an important agricultural product besides vegetables, fruits, coffee, copra, vanilla, soy beans and chilies. Most recently vineyards also can be found along the north coast line. Meanwhile fishing and seaweed farming are also important commodities for foreign markets. It is interesting to observe the ability of the people of Bali in coping with the globalization era which acquires professional skills.

  • claire

    Hello I was in Bali around 10 years ago and I went to a marvellous gastronomic restaurant with famous Balinese duck Betutu. I didn’t remember his name and where it was Denpasar or Nusa Dua. It was wellknow. The entrance was not directly from road but some meter away. You’ve one big salle may be one upstair not sure. There was like a swimming pool outside and some balinese huttes or little bambou house around for 2 or 4 or more personnes. You can eat sitting on pillow or landing on the floor. Sorry for my poor english. Can you help me to find again zhis so typical wonderfull restaurant

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